
All things Career with Growing Perspectives

By Kaisha McCrea

Are you interested in growing in your career? Or successfully transition in your career? Growing Perspectives shares weekly insights for all things related to our careers. We provide support to Career Professionals navigating career transitions, career growth and leadership. Come grow with us!

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How to Become an Effective Leader that Others Follow

Embarking in a leadership role requires a profound understanding of the qualities of a great leader. Some leadership qualities include vision, emotional intelligence, integrity, and decisiveness. However, if you want to inspire confidence and foster a positive work environment, you need to garner your team’s respect, a sense of partnership, and collaboration. Let’s dive deeper…

Growing Perspectives Blog | Embrace Change for Career Growth

How to Embrace Change for Career Growth Change is a constant in life, especially with career growth. Technology advancements, market shifts, and evolving consumer demands continually reshape industries and job requirements. To thrive, professionals must embrace change. This means being open to new ideas, seeking innovative solutions, and proactively pursuing opportunities for learning and growth.…

Embrace Your Worth: How to Communicate Your Value in Your Organization

In the ever-evolving professional landscape, excelling at your job isn’t always enough. To reach your career aspirations, you need to be able to express your value effectively within your organization. Demonstrating your value can initially feel uncomfortable or overwhelming. To help you overcome those obstacles, let’s explore how to communicate your worth, position yourself for…

Growing Perspectives Blog | Develop Skills for Effective Leadership

The word “leadership” is often associated with success. Successful leaders demonstrate a series of qualities, including vision, integrity, guidance, responsibility, and dependability. One distinguishing characteristic of great leaders is a dedication to ongoing education to keep your skills current and fresh. Understanding Leadership Effective leadership is about inspiring and empowering others to achieve a shared…


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