How to Become an Effective Leader that Others Follow

Embarking in a leadership role requires a profound understanding of the qualities of a great leader.

Some leadership qualities include vision, emotional intelligence, integrity, and decisiveness. However, if you want to inspire confidence and foster a positive work environment, you need to garner your team’s respect, a sense of partnership, and collaboration.

Let’s dive deeper into crucial elements that position you as a great leader and a leader others want to follow.

Negotiation. If negotiation is your forte, harness those skills to influence and guide your team or organization through conflicts, challenges, and collaborations. Use effective approaches to resolve disputes and forge beneficial partnerships. A leader well-versed in negotiation promotes harmony and achieves favorable outcomes. This may include asking for input from your peers, teams, and others.

The art of negotiation is understanding when to employ it strategically. Negotiation is a skill that can be further developed and practiced over time.

Adaptability. If adaptability is one of your strengths, embrace change and guide your team through transitions. An adaptable leader ensures the team remains resilient and responsive in evolving scenarios. If this is a skill you wish to further develop, seek feedback from a trusted mentor or contact us at Growing Perspectives.

Decisiveness. Decisiveness is a cornerstone of outstanding leadership. Make tough decisions promptly, considering the well-being of the team and the organization, as well as its overall mission and objectives. Prompt decision-making and action build trust, showcasing your ability to navigate challenges and lead with conviction.

Active listening. Consistency starts with active listening. Discover the impact of listening attentively to your team’s concerns and ideas, creating a culture of open communication and mutual understanding.

Lead by Example. Mirror the behavior that you expect to see in your team. It’s the difference between asking your team to do something, versus you demonstrating it and then asking them to join you.

Often, I find this approach to be invaluable, as it fosters trust from others and in your leadership.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

Consistent follow-through. Consistent follow-through on your commitment and actionable items, such as a disruptive team member, is necessary for respect and team morale.

Acknowledge Wins. Leaders who credit their teams for success build a positive and motivated work culture. Acknowledge the team for the win and reward them as motivation to continue the excellent work.

Accept Responsibility for Failures. Leaders acknowledge and accept responsibility for personal and/or team failures. View those situations as opportunities for growth for yourself and your team.


Becoming a leader that others follow requires a holistic approach to foster trust, leading by example, and consistency. By embracing these principles, you can navigate the path to leadership excellence to build, develop, and maintain a dedicated team or organization.

Growing Perspectives is hosting a Women In Leadership in Breakfast in  Richmond, VA on April  18, 2024. Register here to secure your spot.

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA and the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing. Join her for Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. For additional information, you may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page.

Title: Growing Perspectives Blog | Effective Leader Others Follow

Meta Description: Effective leadership that inspires others to follow you includes consistency, problem-solving, and leading by example for team trust and collaboration.

Published by allthingscareerwithgrowingperspectives3681

I am Career and Leadership Coach and Consultant focused on supporting career professonals reach their full potential and reach their goals.

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