How to Become an Effective Leader that Others Follow

Embarking in a leadership role requires a profound understanding of the qualities of a great leader.

Some leadership qualities include vision, emotional intelligence, integrity, and decisiveness. However, if you want to inspire confidence and foster a positive work environment, you need to garner your team’s respect, a sense of partnership, and collaboration.

Let’s dive deeper into crucial elements that position you as a great leader and a leader others want to follow.

Negotiation. If negotiation is your forte, harness those skills to influence and guide your team or organization through conflicts, challenges, and collaborations. Use effective approaches to resolve disputes and forge beneficial partnerships. A leader well-versed in negotiation promotes harmony and achieves favorable outcomes. This may include asking for input from your peers, teams, and others.

The art of negotiation is understanding when to employ it strategically. Negotiation is a skill that can be further developed and practiced over time.

Adaptability. If adaptability is one of your strengths, embrace change and guide your team through transitions. An adaptable leader ensures the team remains resilient and responsive in evolving scenarios. If this is a skill you wish to further develop, seek feedback from a trusted mentor or contact us at Growing Perspectives.

Decisiveness. Decisiveness is a cornerstone of outstanding leadership. Make tough decisions promptly, considering the well-being of the team and the organization, as well as its overall mission and objectives. Prompt decision-making and action build trust, showcasing your ability to navigate challenges and lead with conviction.

Active listening. Consistency starts with active listening. Discover the impact of listening attentively to your team’s concerns and ideas, creating a culture of open communication and mutual understanding.

Lead by Example. Mirror the behavior that you expect to see in your team. It’s the difference between asking your team to do something, versus you demonstrating it and then asking them to join you.

Often, I find this approach to be invaluable, as it fosters trust from others and in your leadership.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

Consistent follow-through. Consistent follow-through on your commitment and actionable items, such as a disruptive team member, is necessary for respect and team morale.

Acknowledge Wins. Leaders who credit their teams for success build a positive and motivated work culture. Acknowledge the team for the win and reward them as motivation to continue the excellent work.

Accept Responsibility for Failures. Leaders acknowledge and accept responsibility for personal and/or team failures. View those situations as opportunities for growth for yourself and your team.


Becoming a leader that others follow requires a holistic approach to foster trust, leading by example, and consistency. By embracing these principles, you can navigate the path to leadership excellence to build, develop, and maintain a dedicated team or organization.

Growing Perspectives is hosting a Women In Leadership in Breakfast in  Richmond, VA on April  18, 2024. Register here to secure your spot.

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA and the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing. Join her for Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. For additional information, you may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page.

Title: Growing Perspectives Blog | Effective Leader Others Follow

Meta Description: Effective leadership that inspires others to follow you includes consistency, problem-solving, and leading by example for team trust and collaboration.

Growing Perspectives Blog | Embrace Change for Career Growth

How to Embrace Change for Career Growth

Change is a constant in life, especially with career growth. Technology advancements, market shifts, and evolving consumer demands continually reshape industries and job requirements. To thrive, professionals must embrace change. This means being open to new ideas, seeking innovative solutions, and proactively pursuing opportunities for learning and growth.

The Power of Growth Mindset

A growth mindset means you believe you can improve and develop your skills and knowledge through learning, dedication, and hard work, regardless of what stage you are currently in. By adopting this mindset, you can overcome challenges and process failures as opportunities for learning and improvement.

Set Clear Goals

Establish clear, achievable goals and break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This creates a framework to keep your motivation and focus on your growth journey. Regularly review and adjust your objectives as needed. You may be ahead of the curve as change occurs because you have already worked on your larger goals.

Step out of your comfort zone and embrace challenges to accelerate your career development. These challenges may involve taking on new responsibilities, volunteering for leadership roles, or pursuing projects that stretch your abilities.

Welcome Technological Advances

Technology is vital for virtually every industry. Integrating technology helps you be more efficient and productive. We all have more potential to grow, and embracing technology is one of those valuable opportunities. While it can be intimidating for some, incorporating tech advancements will showcase your valuable skills.

Use Innovative Tools

Research the best tools that align with your career objective or address a specific change you need to make in your career. Some tools to consider include:

Google Alerts: Stay updated about mentions of your industry, company, or skill you wish to improve across the web.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the top social media leader for networking, industry newsletters, connecting with mentors, and professional development.

Grammarly: Add the Grammarly extension to your web browser to improve written communication. Think of it as a spell-check feature on steroids.

AI: Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technology systems programmed to perform tasks similar to humans. AI is the hot topic of the year, but the reality is most of us have used AI for years without realizing what it was. For instance, have you ever asked Siri a question on your phone? Or have you used a spelling and grammar feature in word processors or your email service? If so, you have already used AI. Virtually every industry uses AI-powered resources to assist you with project management, content calendars, and brainstorming for fresh ideas or help.

Continue to Learn

Stay updated with industry trends by actively seeking new learning opportunities and investing in your professional development. Foster a curious mindset by asking questions, exploring new ideas, and challenging assumptions. The skills and knowledge required for success continually change, and adopting a lifelong learning mindset is essential. Even if you are advanced in your career, there are always opportunities to learn and grow.

Seek Feedback

Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Whenever mistakes or setbacks occur, be open to valuable input to grow and improve.

Remember, your career journey is unique. By continuously adapting, you position yourself for long-term success and fulfillment in your professional life.

Join Growing Perspectives Career Consulting on Jan 24 , 2024 for a Facebook Live Workshop to discuss strategies for your resume and Interview tips. The workshop goes live on Facebook from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Be sure to follow Growing Perspectives to receive a notification once the workshop is live!)

Growing Perspectives is hosting a Women In Leadership Winter Retreat in Richmond, VA on January 6, 2024. Register here to secure your spot.

Kaisha McCrea founded Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA and the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing. Visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. You may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page for additional information.

Embrace Your Worth: How to Communicate Your Value in Your Organization

In the ever-evolving professional landscape, excelling at your job isn’t always enough. To reach your career aspirations, you need to be able to express your value effectively within your organization.

Demonstrating your value can initially feel uncomfortable or overwhelming. To help you overcome those obstacles, let’s explore how to communicate your worth, position yourself for growth, and become the best champion on your career journey.


Recognize Your Unique Value

Before confidently conveying your worth to others, you must recognize it within yourself. Take a moment to reflect on your strengths, talents, potential, and the qualities that set you apart. For example, consider your initiative, willingness to collaborate with others, ability to communicate effectively, and dependability.

Make a list of your strengths and positive contributions to your organization. This self-awareness is the foundation for clarity of your unique values and effectively communicating those strengths.

Navigating the Path to Promotion


Align with Organizational Goals

Pursuing a promotion begins with setting clear and compassionate goals. Where do you envision yourself in one, three, or five years? Outline your career path and the steps you need to take to reach those goals.

Show your dedication to your organization’s success by aligning your goals with theirs. Emphasize how your contributions can help the company reach its objectives, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Support and Feedback

Don’t be afraid to seek support and constructive feedback from your colleagues and supervisors. This openness to growth shows your commitment to personal and professional development.

Sharing Your Achievements


Regular Updates

It’s easy to assume that your supervisors know your achievements, but don’t take it for granted. Schedule regular meetings to discuss your progress and contributions. Consistent updates keep your supervisors informed and highlight your proactive communication skills. Be willing to share your progress with others in your organization and your supervisors.

Document Your Contributions

Keep a record of your accomplishments and contributions. Quantify results, such as revenue increases, cost savings, or enhanced efficiency whenever possible. Share this information with spreadsheets, slides, bullet-point lists, or other documentation options you are most comfortable with. Visual aids such as these will ensure your message conveys facts and your history of accomplishments within the organization. These metrics help make your value more tangible and clarify points for your supervisors.

Another opportunity to demonstrate your value is to engage in social media. According to a recent Forbes article, social media can help you build your brand and demonstrate your digital proficiency. Plus, you can connect and engage with others to become a name associated with your specialty by showing how you solve problems for your clients, sharing helpful tips and information, and being a source of positivity and encouragement.

Advocate for Your Career Journey


Connect Through Genuine Networking

Build sincere relationships within and outside your department. Attend company events, engage in industry conferences, and connect with colleagues on platforms like LinkedIn. Approach networking with an open mind to building meaningful connections.

Seek Guidance and Mentorship

Look for mentors and sponsors who can provide guidance and advocate for your career progression. Mentors offer candid and empathetic advice and support, while sponsors can be powerful allies on your journey.

Shine as a Leader

You can demonstrate leadership qualities even if you’re not in a formal leadership role. Volunteer for leadership opportunities in cross-functional projects and embrace leadership training.


Your career path is not only built on your skills and qualifications but also communicating your value for growth. Define your unique value proposition to clarify your strengths and goals. Be concise and clear in meetings with data points that highlight your strengths. Finally, accept praise when given and credit others who helped you.


Growing Perspectives is hosting a Women In Leadership Winter Retreat in Richmond, VA on January 6, 2024. Register here to secure your spot.

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA as well as clients throughout the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing. Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. You may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page for additional information. 

Growing Perspectives Blog | Develop Skills for Effective Leadership

The word “leadership” is often associated with success. Successful leaders demonstrate a series of qualities, including vision, integrity, guidance, responsibility, and dependability. One distinguishing characteristic of great leaders is a dedication to ongoing education to keep your skills current and fresh.

Understanding Leadership

Effective leadership is about inspiring and empowering others to achieve a shared vision. It’s not just about giving orders or being in charge; good leaders know how to communicate their vision clearly and motivate their team to work towards it.

Further, they understand the strengths and weaknesses of their team members and how to build a team to its fullest potential. Effective leaders also know when to step back and let others take charge.

Leadership skills allow you to elevate your work culture, build trust and positive employee relationships, and improve productivity. Let’s examine a few key skills to become a better leader.

Team Building for Effective Leadership

Team building is an essential aspect of effective leadership. Developing trust among team members enhances a positive team culture. When team members work well together, they can achieve more than they could individually. Good leaders build cohesive teams by encouraging collaboration and communication. Further, they also understand the importance of recognizing and celebrating their team’s achievements.

Resources for Leadership Training

Leadership skills can be developed and maintained through training and practice. Continuous learning in leadership adds value to your organization.

Resources for leadership training focus on communication, delegation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Some sources include:

  • universities and colleges that offer leadership programs, both online and in-person.
  • attending networking events and seminars
  • build relationships with other leaders, or attend a mastermind or coaching group
  • reading books and blogs on key leadership topics
  • listening to other online sources such as podcasts

Creating a Positive Team Culture

A positive team culture is essential for effective leadership. Leaders can create a positive work environment by encouraging and displaying open communication, recognizing, celebrating achievements, and encouraging teamwork. They can also lead by example, showing respect and empathy towards their team members. A positive team culture can increase employee morale and motivation, resulting in better productivity and job satisfaction.

Conflict Resolution in Leadership

Conflict is inevitable in any team environment. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to manage conflicts effectively. A good leader knows how to identify the root cause or key factors of the conflict and work toward a resolution that benefits everyone involved. They also understand the importance of active listening and empathy in difficult situations. Further, good leaders recognize when more information or insight is needed, and when to involve others to help resolve concerns.

Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s emotions effectively. Good leaders possess emotional intelligence, which helps them navigate complex team dynamics and make better decisions. Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. By developing emotional intelligence, leaders can become more empathic and build stronger relationships with team members.

Next Steps

In conclusion, enhancing your leadership skills can have a positive impact on your team, your organization, and your personal life. By utilizing the various resources available, you can develop the skills you need to be an effective leader. The reward includes inspiring and empowering others to achieve a shared vision.

Developing your team enables you to strengthen your current department or organization. It also creates a framework for key leadership roles in the future.


If you’re interested in enhancing your leadership skills, Growing Perspectives offers a leadership coaching program for effective leadership and team building. We also offer retreat options to focus on leadership growth throughout the year, including our Leadership Retreat in Williamsburg, VA, beginning on October 21, 2023.

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA as well as clients throughout the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing.  Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. You may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page for additional information.  

Growing Perspectives Blog| Strategies for Career Growth

Career growth refers to the series of steps you take throughout your career to achieve your “big picture” goals.

While career development focuses on developing specific skills for a career, career growth refers to advancements toward your dream job. These advancements could include a promotion, becoming a leader for your team, or participating in training or continuing education programs. 

Reasons to Focus on Career Growth

  1. Feel valued. For long-term career success, it’s important to feel valued at your company. According to a Glint survey, 97% of employees want to expand or continue the amount of time they spend learning to perform to their best abilities.
  2. Reduce Burnout. Burnout occurs when employees don’t feel challenged or become bored with their current jobs. A great way to avoid feeling stagnant in your job is to seek new responsibilities or achieve new milestones.
  3. Improve confidence. It’s wonderful to feel valued by others, and it’s just as important to believe that value for ourselves. Confidence in your skills and that you’ve earned these achievements is the stepping stone for continued success in your career journey.
  4. Reduce stress. Growth in your job or industry reduces stress about job security, changes in the market, and competition for new career opportunities.
  5. Higher salaries. When you expand your skills and step into roles with more responsibilities, the compensation packages tend to improve. Specific salary rates may vary depending on your industry. Generally speaking, advanced opportunities often yield a 10%-20% increase in salary. Let’s focus on some key areas to support your growth at different stages.

Clarify Goals

To achieve the success you desire, start with setting your goals to reach your dream job.

Are you starting out with your first job after college or a training program? Set goals and seek opportunities that align with your long-term career aspirations. Advancement requires preparation, specific skills, and experience, which can take time to develop. Maintain your focus and enthusiasm by seeking mentors and accepting challenging assignments to further your development. 

If you’re in a mid-level position and seeking a promotion, focus on your strengths. What experience can you leverage for a higher position? Clarify how that experience helps you achieve this new position, such as managing others or improving employee retention.

As a senior manager or team leader, you may wish to move into an executive or leadership role. When making this transition, consider if you need additional credentials. If you have the education, experience, and management experience for the role, consider what is unique about your ability to lead in this role. Distinguish your leadership style and results from others and how that will positively impact your company’s objectives and organization.

Identifying Opportunities

Seek out opportunities where you can apply your skills and knowledge. Here are some opportunities to consider for your growth within your career:

  • Networking is a great way to build relationships with people who may know of opportunities outside your professional outreach.
  • Find a mentor to learn more about how to achieve your career goals.
  • Discuss your goals with your current manager or HR supervisor to be considered for new opportunities within your company.
  • Contact an industry-specific recruiter that can identify opportunities within the industry that are not posted publicly.

Strategic planning for career growth allows you to proactively manage your career, by identifying opportunities to reach your full potential. No matter your current role, it’s possible to set the framework for a successful career you enjoy.

If you need to establish strategies to accelerate your career growth, contact Growing Perspectives today for support. We have various resources to guide you, including our new “Leadership Academy—Unleash the Leader in You.”

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA as well as clients throughout the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing.  Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives. You may also view Growing Perspectives’ upcoming events and testimonials page for additional information.  

Growing Perspectives Blog | Are You Thinking of a Career Change?

If you’re thinking of a career change, take comfort that you’re not alone. Long gone are the days of a linear career path with one company; as technology and work cultures evolve, so do our career objectives.In fact, according to a recent 2022 study, it’s estimated that people change jobs about 12 times during their lifetime, with nearly one-third of people completely changing fields.

Some reasons you may consider a career change include:

  • a dissatisfaction with current career or leadership
  • to earn more money
  • a desire for greater flexibility
  • opportunities for growth or advancement in other career fields
  • concerns that your current field is dwindling based on the economic market
  • your current career no longer aligns with your values

Steps to Make a Career Change

Identify your goals.

Grab a coffee, your favorite pen, and a piece of paper. It’s time to list out the big ideas of the change you imagine.

Do you have a list of 2-3 careers that interest you? Or maybe you know you want a change, but you aren’t sure of what you want to do.

Either way, today’s a great time to take these steps. Identifying what you want and need is the first step to making a change for the better. These steps will help you identify the change that’s most aligned with your goals and aspirations:

  • What is your biggest motivation for making this change?
  • Which careers are you most interested in?
  • What values do you seek in a new company?

Identify the Next Steps

Once you have the big ideas noted, dig into more specifics.

  • Do any of your current skill sets translate to your new career? Or will you need to acquire training or certification to make this transition? If so, are you willing to take those steps?  
  • Will this new career continue to motivate you? For example, if you want to earn money, what is the potential to reach your target salary? If you seek better leadership, what companies or specific leaders appeal to you?

Identify the Risk.

Once you narrow down the new career you want, it’s time to research your options.  

Evaluate the requirements. Understanding whether you need to upgrade your skills or acquire new ones entirely is important. Are you committed to devoting the time and investment to meet the requirements of your new career?

Is this career change sustainable? It’s important to determine if your new career has the potential for growth. Does this career integrate with new technologies? Will it provide the longevity that you seek?

What’s your desired timing for this career change? Are you passively looking for new career opportunities or do you have an immediate need for a change? If it takes 6 months to become certified for your new career, can you afford to wait six months for employment?

Formulate a Plan.

Organize your exit strategy from your current position. It’s important to continue to maintain a professional relationship with your current employer. Your new career may be in a different field or company, but your reputation will stay with you. Continue to deliver on your responsibilities and manage expectations at your current job as you explore other options. 

Build or leverage your network. Networking meetings are a great way to showcase your skills and find new connections that you may not have made otherwise. In addition, LinkedIn is a fantastic resource for researching industries and companies. It’s also a great platform to connect with others in your new industry.

Connect with your former mentors and co-workers. As you navigate through this change, discreetly let them know about your new career goals. They may help you spot an opportunity or have others in their network that can help with this transition.

Update your resume. Make it official—update your resume by highlighting your new or transferable skills. It’s also important that you prepare a new resume not only for potential hiring managers, but also for ATS systems that determine if and when your resume is seen. (If you need assistance with your resume, contact Growing Perspectives for resume writing and interview preparation sessions.)  

Go for it.

Choosing a new career can be intimidating, but it’s possible with adequate strategy, education, and support. It’s an exciting time to pursue your dreams, and this change can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make for your future.

One advantage to living in a time where things are fast-paced and evolving is to make positive changes in your career. Preparation is necessary, but taking that leap is the only way to reach your new career destination.

If you are considering a career change, contact Growing Perspectives today for support.

Kaisha McCrea is the founder of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, which serves clients throughout Richmond, VA as well as clients throughout the United States. Kaisha was recently named one of the top coaches in Richmond, thanks to her focus on career coaching and consulting, career transition coaching, leadership coaching, and interview and resume writing.  Feel free to visit her website for more information about the services at Growing Perspectives.

Pursuing your full potential in your career

Are you “playing small” in your career? Are you operating below your full potential in your career? Are there areas in your career that you are settling for less than what you desire or below your potential? I encourage you to set time to reflect on your career and your progress. I encourage you to pursue what you desire in your career and life. I will share a few ways to consider for moving towards having a career or job that allows you to reach more of your potential.

Take a chance! You likely are aware when you are settling for less than what you desire in your career or what you are capable of in your career. Be willing to take a chance and pursue what you like in your career. Believe that you are ready for that next step or opportuity based on your skills and abilities.

Trust yourself! You are capable of achieving what you desire in your career. You are able to pursue this new position, opportunity, business venture or project! Trust your abilities, skills and knowledge to excel in this new area or to pursue this opportunity. You can thrive in the areas of your career that you desire.

Identify what additional support or resources you might need! If you are aware of where you want to go and what you want to pursue but see a gap in any of your skills or experiences, identify what can help close this gap for you. Reach out for support from mentors, colleauges, resources, coaches or friends to assist you. You may have more resources available than you think to help support you as you begin to pursue your goals and move toward areas you desire and reaching more of your potential.

Don’t give up! Continue growing as you pursue your goals and dreams in your career. Do not allow delays or obstacles to stop your progress. Maintain your focus to pursue areas of growth, new opportunities and career choices that support your goals and interests.

I encourage you not to “play small” in your career and consider using some of the tips above to pursue the areas you desire in your career to maximize your full potential.

Investing in Yourself!

When was the last time you invested in yourself? What is an area in your career that you want to further develop, improve or change? This is a great time to pursue your goals and dreams and make the decision to invest in yourself.

We each have different opportunities and ways we can choose to invest in ourselves. What ways are you considering? We can invest in ourselves personally and professionally. There are opportunities at work and in your community to gain additional experience, skills and knowledge . Some of these opportunities can be online training, classes , a new project or assignment.

Once you decide where you want to invest in yourself determine when you will begin. Ask yourself if you need any additional resources to help or support you in these next steps. I encourage you to begin with a few initial areas to focus on and move forward. Your initial steps do not have to be perfect but it is a beginning towards your goals!

It is so important to continue to invest in yourself throughout your career to continue to grow and advance. Look for opportunities at your work , in the community and contact additional resources to support you in this process. Be sure to take the time to continue to invest in yourself personally and professionally. You are worth this investment.

What message are you sending in your organization and group?


We will explore the power of the messages we send in our career to others that impact how we are viewed in our organizations and groups. Listen in to ways to explore and reflect on the messages you are sending about yourself and abilities and identify opportunties to address to increase your succes and influence the messages you convey to others in your career. Hear ways to be more intentional with the messages you send about yourself in your career!


What are you expecting in 2022?

Where would you like to be in your career this year? What changes , goals or aspirations do you have? Are you ready to take the steps needed to achieve success?

You have the opportunity with this new year to determine the direction of your career and level of success you want. You have the opportunity to decide how you want to spend your time and which areas you like to grow in.

This is a great time to pursue your dreams and aspirations. Consider your strengths and developmental opportunities as you decide which areas you like pursue this year! It helps to set and capture the goals you like to obtain and set timing for completing these. Determine if you need any additional support to reach your goals or an accountability partner during this process.

Take advantage of the new opportunities possible this year to achieve your goals and dreams. Be sure to utilize your network in your journey. Enjoy your journey this year as you work to achieve what you desire in your career!

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